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公民参与 at BSU

Working to Make a Difference

ladbrokes立博中文版以跨学科和跨部门的方式工作,提供教育机会, 通知, 参与, 让我们的学生和更广泛的社区参与公民参与. 我们鼓励所有社区成员积极参与当地的活动, regional and global communities. BSU让学生和社区了解民主参与的重要性, 公民学习, and civic participation and community leadership at the local, state and national levels.

公民参与 是努力改变我们社区的公民生活,发展知识的结合, 技能, values and motivation to make that difference. It means promoting the quality of life in a community, through both political and non-political processes.

A person in a BSU sweatshirt holding a letter board that says VOTE

公民通过政治机构参与公共生活和政府事务, organizations and activities.

Lech Walesa presents at BSU

A process through which people develop the knowledge, 与社区成员有效互动以解决共同问题的技能和承诺.





使用ladbrokes立博官网、人物、文件、争议和琐事的简短例子, 简单的公民 旨在以一种清晰的方式解释美国政治和政府, concise and conversational. 简单的公民 是桥水州立大学对公民教育和公民参与的承诺的一部分,在这个时候,公民拥有实用的知识和对价值观的欣赏至关重要, 构成我们民主制度基础的远见和政策.



During his years in the Political Science Department, 他是任职时间最长的主席,并帮助启动了公共管理硕士项目. After leaving the Department in 2015 Dr. Kryzanek被任命为Minnock国际参与中心的执行主任,负责扩大该大学的全球影响力. 2016-2019博士. 克里扎内克是美国公共管理学院的学术主任.S. 美国国务院非洲青年领袖计划(YALI),该计划将25名研究员作为曼德拉研究员带到校园. He continues as a consultant for that program.

目前,博士. 克里扎内克在ladbrokes立博中文版高级学院教授美国政治和政府课程. Dr. Kryzanek received his Ph.D from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in 1975. He is the author of eight books on U.S. foreign policy, American 政府 and comparative politics. His latest book, written with his daughter Dr. Ann Karreth是 塑造美国政治的25个问题:辩论、分歧和分裂. Dr. Kryzanek is the board chair of Fr. Bill 's和Mainspring, 南岸最大的无家可归者组织,也是布里奇沃特扶轮社的社长. He lives in Whitman with his wife Carol. They have three daughters and five grandchildren.


The cost and business of democracy in the United States.

Washington Crossing the Delaware, 12月26日清晨,乔治·华盛顿正在划船渡过冰冷的特拉华河, 1776
1776: A Year of Destiny
关于1776年的ladbrokes立博官网和人物,已经写了很多——有些是事实, 一些神话, 一些传说.
Votes for Women cartoon from 1912 布里奇沃特 Normal School yearbook
The Struggle for Women’s Voting Rights
妇女一直在努力争取自己的投票权,并在政治舞台上发出自己的声音. 让我们来看看这场为妇女争取选举权的斗争,通常被称为选举权.